Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gender Differences

Are girls smarter than boys? Do girls have more advatnages in the class room than boys? I really dont think so. What I think is there is a fine medium of both. While yes studies have shown in the past few years that girls do make up more of college populations around the country and that they are earning better grades in the classroom. But this not exactly true all over the country. At my highschool, we didnt recognize a validictiorian or salutatorian but if we did, first place would have gone to a male, and second place would have went to a female. And those 2 individuals just happened to be dating for much of our highschool years. Funny huh. I also believe that most females might excel in certain areas in the classroom, like studying, taking tests, understanding the material more, book work in general. Where males tend to learn and understand more of real life lessons. Building things, fixing things, maybe improving something that is sub par. Running a farm, or fixing cars. Women do like to read directions more, males just try and wing it and see what happens in the end. (I'm guilty of that). But each gender does have there pros and cons, and thats what makes our society and our country a diverse and successful one.

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