Sunday, November 23, 2008

Presidential Opinion

On November 4th 2008 Barack Obama won the election to be the 44th president of the USA. This is unique because he is the first African American male to win the presidential election. I do hope that in the next 4 years he does his best to turn on our country around and get us on the right track. I hope he figures this whole economy thing out, and he works on the national debt our country has, I hope he works this war out and figures out the best possible solution for the future. I wish that all the people who did not vote for him, will give him a chance and see what he can do for our beloved country. We dont know what he is capable of unless we give him a chance to either pass or fail. Lets not make pre assumed assumptions that he will automatically fail. I also hope that all that did not vote for him because of his skin color will look past that and realize he won, and we have to give him support in order for our country and for our population to be successful.

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